Killarney eNewsletter Term 1 - Week 9 | 2025
Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the Githabul people as the Traditional Owners of the sky, waterways and land on which we learn and play. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present. We acknowledge the knowledge, memories, traditions and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and commit to fostering a culture of learning in the spirit of togetherness.
We thank Githabul artist Nathan Charles for allowing us to publish his artwork.

Date Claimers
2025 | |
31 | Year 3-4 and KLife morning tea |
31 | 3.15-5.00 Junior Secondary parent teacher meetings |
1 | 3.15-5.00pm: Junior Secondary parent teacher meetings |
2 | Years 1-6 combined churches Easter service |
3 | 10.30am: Prep-Year 2 Fun Run |
3 | 1.00pm: Year 3-10 Cross Country |
4 | 9.15am: Prep-year 2 Easter concert |
4 | Last Day of Term 1 |
22 | First Day of Term 2 |
24 | 9.00am: ANZAC Day school service |
24 | Wet weather day provision: fun run and cross country |
25 | ANZAC Day public holiday |
25 | ANZAC Day Killarney town march and service |
29 | 6.00pm: P&C Meeting |
29 | 6.00pm: Trail Bike Ride meeting |
MAY | |
5 | Labour Day public holiday |
9 | Border District cross country |
15 | SDRC Youth Council, Stanthorpe |
19 | 9.00am: Carbal hearing screening |
20 | Year 1-2 Excursion Empire Theatre, Toowoomba |
21 | Broncos Cup Round 1, Goondiwindi |
27 | 6.30pm: P&C Meeting |
29 | Broncos Cup Round 2, Warwick |
JUNE | |
6 | 9.00am: Year 10 immunisation |
7-8 | P&C Border Ranges Trail Bike Ride |
16-18 | Years 5-6 Camp, Jacob's Well Environmental Education Centre |
24 | Instrumental Music Big Band Day concert, Warwick Central SS |
24 | 6.30pm P&C meeting |
25 | Instrumental Music Big Band Day concert, Allora P-10 SS |
26 | Years 3-4 Excursion, Queensland Museum |
27 | Last Day of Term 2 |
JULY | |
14 | First Day of Term 3 |
From the Principal

Dear All
As we wrap up Term 1, I’d like to thank all students, staff, and families for a fantastic start to the school year. It’s been a busy and productive term, full of learning, connection, and community spirit. I look forward to finishing the term strongly next week with high participation in the Prep-Year 2 Easter Concert and Fun Run and Years 3-10 Cross Country.
A special welcome again to all our new students and families who joined us this year – we hope you’ve felt at home and are settling in well. I appreciate transitioning to a new school does take a while. Please remember to talk to your child’s class teacher, Mrs Thompson or myself if we can help you or your child during this time.
Staffing Update
This week we welcomed Mrs Katrina Thomson to our leadership team as Acting Head of Department Curriculum while Mrs Traecy Bartz takes long service leave. Katrina has made a wonderful start and we’ve appreciated her calm, student-centred approach to supporting learning across the school.
Last week we welcomed Ms Sally Genner to our school in a full-time teaching capacity. Previously Ms Genner was working as a district relief teacher based here, so she already knows the staff and many of the students. Ms Genner is working with Mrs Janine Brown in the Year 5/6 classroom, and we’ve already seen the benefits of this collaborative teaching partnership in action.
This week, we farewelled Mrs Janenne Flint from our cleaning team. On behalf of all students and staff, I sincerely thank Janenne for her commitment and the pride she took in her work every day. We wish her all the very best and hope she pops in occasionally. The position has been advertised, and we look forward to welcoming a new team member soon.
Congratulations to all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 on the successful completion of NAPLAN. This year we trialled a running the testing schedule over two days, and the feedback has been very positive. Thank you to our staff for their smooth organisation and support, and to our students for their focused and determined approach. A special mention also to those students in other year levels who were not completing NAPLAN but who were so respectful and considerate of their peers who were sitting tests.
SDRC Youth Council
We were proud to have our school captains, Emalee and Angus, represent Killarney P-10 SS at the Southern Downs Regional Youth Council meeting yesterday. This initiative brings together student leaders from across the region to engage in discussion around youth issues, develop leadership skills, and collaborate on community projects. Student leaders will work on a project proposal over the next term, then pitch their plan to council. Emalee and Angus represented our school and community with pride and maturity—well done!
Parents and Citizens Association
Congratulations and welcome to our newly elected P&C Executive:
- President: Marissa Costello
- Vice President: Alyx Lambert
- Secretary: Bonnie Bell
- Treasurer: Bob Bell
- Uniforms: Laura Diete
On behalf of our school community, I extend our heartfelt thanks to outgoing executive members Laura Diete (Secretary) and Glen Lamb (President) for their many, many years of dedicated service. Glen and Laura, your support has made a lasting difference.
I am especially grateful to the P&C for their generous commitment of $40,000 to the school in 2025; this is a per capita contribution of $300 per student! This significant contribution supports equity for all students and includes subsidising camps, excursions, swimming and bus travel. I know without this very generous donation many families would find it difficult to support their children engaging in activities.
The P&C’s donation come from one fundraising activity each year – The Border Ranges Trail Bike Ride. This year’s ride is rescheduled for 7th and 8th June, so please consider how you can help when asked to volunteer at the ride in June.
TC Alfred
Finally, thank you to our whole school community for your cooperation during the emergency response arrangements earlier in the term as we prepared for the possible impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. While the weather event passed without incident, your readiness and calm response once again demonstrated the strong partnership we share as a school community.
Wishing everyone a safe and restful holiday break. We look forward to welcoming students back for Term 2 on Tuesday 22 April.
Kind Regards
Ros Hibberd
From the Head of Department
Acting Head of Department Curriculum
It is with great pleasure that I return to Killarney P- 10 State School as relieving Head of Department while Traecy Bartz is on leave.
My experience ranges from teaching Year 1 through to Year 12 and has more recently included an Acting Head of Department- English/Humanities/Languages role.
I have enjoyed my first few days at the school and been warmly welcomed by both staff and students. It was evident from the first day I arrived, that this school prides itself on respectful interactions and positive behaviours. I look forward to experiencing all Killarney State School has to offer over the next 6 weeks.
Mrs Katrina Thomson
SOBS- School Online Booking System
Next week, we are holding our Term 1 Parent-Teacher meetings. These meetings are a valuable opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, celebrate successes, and talk about learning goals for the term ahead.
We are trialling the use of an online booking platform for Junior Secondary Parent teacher meetings this term. The benefit of trialling this system is to streamline the booking process for both parents and staff.
Parents will receive an email from the school, with information outlining this process. There is a link that you will click on to make a booking with teachers. Please make these bookings before March 31st.
If there are any problems with access, please contact the school and we can make the booking for you from available times.
4664 6333
Sports News

School News


Killarney P-10 State School are offering the following devices for tender.
Ozito Cordless drills
1 X 12volt (1 battery) & Charger
1 X 14.4 volt (2 batteries) & Charger
1 X 18 volt (1 battery) & Charger
Makita cordless drill
1 X 14.4 volt (1 Battery) & Charger
Rockwell Cordless drills
1 X 18 volt (1 battery) & Charger
1 X 18 volt (1 battery) & Charger
1 X 18 volt (1 battery) & Charger
Wood Lathe
1 X TOUGH Wood lathe
Bench Grinder
1 X ICANIC 200mm Grinder
1 X 200mm Guillotine
Pan Brake
1 X BRAMLEY 1200mm Pan Brake
All items are of varying well used condition. Please note no warranty is expressed or implied on any device and are tendered in as is condition and functionality.
All tenders are to be handed in at the front office before (insert date here) in a sealed envelope and must include the following information: First and last name, contact phone & email, tender amount on specific or multiple devices.
Successful tenders will be contacted by (inset date here)
2025 School Calendar - Queensland State Schools

P&C News

Tuckshop Convenor
The P&C is looking for a parent or member of our community who would be interested in volunteering to be our Tuckshop Convenor. The opening times/day would be the choice of the new Convenor. The menu would also be the Tuckshop Convenor's choice, in negotiation with the school to comply with Healthy Choices guidelines. Please contact the P&C for further information or to express your interest by emailing:

How to order School Uniforms
New stocks of polo shirts have arrived so we now have all sizes available. Parents may now place a uniform order via email and pay by direct deposit! We hope this will make purchasing uniforms easier. Students can come and see Mrs Diete during break times to try on uniforms if they are unsure of sizes.

Community News

Colouring-in Competition
Proudly sponsored by
Town and Country Journal
- Your FREE local newspaper -
Entries judged by ROSE CITY FM personnel
Entries close Friday, 11th April, 2025
Forms can be obtained at
Warwick Mower Centre
34 Palmerin Street, Warwick
with entries left there when completed
Sections -
* Up to 5 years of age
* Ages 6 to 9 years
* Ages 10 to 12 years
* Open
Entries will be displayed near the ROSE CITY FM
broadcasting van at the Markets
Prizes can be collected at the Broadcasting Van
on the day between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.